
The triennial is heading to Budapest
26. 11. 2021

The German couple, Irene and Peter Ludwig, who were the founders of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, had a collection of more than 12 thousand works of art, ranging from antiquities to contemporary art. In 1991 on the first floor of Building A of the Hungarian National Gallery, the Ludwig Foundation put 91 works on long-term deposit. The opening of its first autonomous exhibition marked the debut of the Ludwig Museum Budapest, the first institution in Hungary concerned with international contemporary art. 

Since the art works received from the Ludwig Foundation represent the pre-1990s era, works produced since then are purchased – often with the continuing financial support of the Ludwig Foundation – by decision of the Museum’s own Board. As a considered part of its mission, it presents and collects work by artists of the former “eastern bloc” and sets alongside each other a broad range of definitive international and Hungarian works from particular eras.

The Ludwig Museum’s collection building, exhibitions and events aim at enabling a wider public to form a closer acquaintance with contemporary art. We provide continuous dialogue between past and present, between mainstream art and experimental artistic initiations. The Museum functions as a public space open to the widest possible public. Following the principle of inclusivity, the Museum is continually working on providing ever better conditions of access to its collection and events. We strive to conduct our daily work in an economically and environmentally sustainable form.

Thinking about the possibilities offered, our programme for theme nr. 4, ie “personal vs. shared - from ones own body to political systems” - we try to interpret the abstract concept of sustainability at the level of individuals and examine the relationship between how an individual can affect (even through a work of art) the community and vice versa, the community sensitizes existing socio-economic tensions, environmental issues. Our programmes (Educator’s Tuesday, Wake up!, Spirit of Sustainability) are organized by museum educators and we address three different target groups: teachers, adults, high school students. Our main question towards these groups is "Who is responsible?"

Ludwig Museum Budapest – SEFO Eduction Program Plan 2021
Scheduled date: 29 November - 5 December, 2021

Thinking about the possibilities offered, our program for theme nr. 4, ie “personal vs. shared - from ones own body to political systems ” - we would try to interpret the abstract concept of sustainability at the level of individuals and examine the relationship between how an individual can affect (even through a work of art) the community and vice versa, the community sensitizes existing socio-economic tensions, environmental issues. Our programs (Educator’s Tuesday, Wake up!, Spirit of Sustainability) organized by museum educators and we would like to address three different target groups: teachers, adults, high school students. Our main question towards these groups is "who is responsible?".

1. Forum for Professionals:  Our Educators’ Tuesday program is an occasional thematic day for teachers and museum educators. On the November event, the exchange of experiences would contribute to examine sustainability through museum education and the school environment. What opportunities does an educator have to convey a more conscious approach in school and museum spaces, and how can students be brought to the attention of contemporary problems?
Location: Zoom

2. High school students: We would focus on social dilemmas in our sensitization session. The 2-hour program would include a fresh community card game Wake up! Https://, in which players find themselves in a dream, located in a 21st century Eastern European dictatorship with. In the game, they meet with political, social and personal problem areas as well. Furthermore, like the problem areas of the game, there are artefacts of this kind in the Ludwig Collection, so students get new aspects through the examples of the two. At the end of the program, students should design an ideal school where students can not only have a good time, but consider their own active presence as social and political actors and determinants in the life of a community. We will also document the students ’program and summarize the lessons in few minutes of videos, which we publish online.
Location: Ludwig Museum

3. Adults: We try to deepen the spirit of sustainability through a complex guided tour, a so called “intellectual togetherness”. In addition to the related works of art in the Collection, we provide guidance on various aspects of sustainability through quotations and text excerpts, and then, based on the participants own experiences and sharing their personal experiences, we search for connections between themes of artworks (nature, food, industry, human rights, etc.) and peoples everyday lives. Through a deeper knowledge of works of art, we have a better insight into a more in-depth view of our own environment.
Location: Ludwig Museum

The triennial is heading to Budapest

26. 11. 2021

The German couple, Irene and Peter Ludwig, who were the founders of the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, had a collection of more than 12 thousand works of art, ranging from antiquities to contemporary art. In 1991 on the first floor of Building A of the Hungarian National Gallery, the Ludwig Foundation put 91 works on long-term deposit. The opening of its first autonomous exhibition marked the debut of the Ludwig Museum Budapest, the first institution in Hungary concerned with international contemporary art. 

Since the art works received from the Ludwig Foundation represent the pre-1990s era, works produced since then are purchased – often with the continuing financial support of the Ludwig Foundation – by decision of the Museum’s own Board. As a considered part of its mission, it presents and collects work by artists of the former “eastern bloc” and sets alongside each other a broad range of definitive international and Hungarian works from particular eras.

The Ludwig Museum’s collection building, exhibitions and events aim at enabling a wider public to form a closer acquaintance with contemporary art. We provide continuous dialogue between past and present, between mainstream art and experimental artistic initiations. The Museum functions as a public space open to the widest possible public. Following the principle of inclusivity, the Museum is continually working on providing ever better conditions of access to its collection and events. We strive to conduct our daily work in an economically and environmentally sustainable form.

Thinking about the possibilities offered, our programme for theme nr. 4, ie “personal vs. shared - from ones own body to political systems” - we try to interpret the abstract concept of sustainability at the level of individuals and examine the relationship between how an individual can affect (even through a work of art) the community and vice versa, the community sensitizes existing socio-economic tensions, environmental issues. Our programmes (Educator’s Tuesday, Wake up!, Spirit of Sustainability) are organized by museum educators and we address three different target groups: teachers, adults, high school students. Our main question towards these groups is "Who is responsible?"

Ludwig Museum Budapest – SEFO Eduction Program Plan 2021
Scheduled date: 29 November - 5 December, 2021

Thinking about the possibilities offered, our program for theme nr. 4, ie “personal vs. shared - from ones own body to political systems ” - we would try to interpret the abstract concept of sustainability at the level of individuals and examine the relationship between how an individual can affect (even through a work of art) the community and vice versa, the community sensitizes existing socio-economic tensions, environmental issues. Our programs (Educator’s Tuesday, Wake up!, Spirit of Sustainability) organized by museum educators and we would like to address three different target groups: teachers, adults, high school students. Our main question towards these groups is "who is responsible?".

1. Forum for Professionals:  Our Educators’ Tuesday program is an occasional thematic day for teachers and museum educators. On the November event, the exchange of experiences would contribute to examine sustainability through museum education and the school environment. What opportunities does an educator have to convey a more conscious approach in school and museum spaces, and how can students be brought to the attention of contemporary problems?
Location: Zoom

2. High school students: We would focus on social dilemmas in our sensitization session. The 2-hour program would include a fresh community card game Wake up! Https://, in which players find themselves in a dream, located in a 21st century Eastern European dictatorship with. In the game, they meet with political, social and personal problem areas as well. Furthermore, like the problem areas of the game, there are artefacts of this kind in the Ludwig Collection, so students get new aspects through the examples of the two. At the end of the program, students should design an ideal school where students can not only have a good time, but consider their own active presence as social and political actors and determinants in the life of a community. We will also document the students ’program and summarize the lessons in few minutes of videos, which we publish online.
Location: Ludwig Museum

3. Adults: We try to deepen the spirit of sustainability through a complex guided tour, a so called “intellectual togetherness”. In addition to the related works of art in the Collection, we provide guidance on various aspects of sustainability through quotations and text excerpts, and then, based on the participants own experiences and sharing their personal experiences, we search for connections between themes of artworks (nature, food, industry, human rights, etc.) and peoples everyday lives. Through a deeper knowledge of works of art, we have a better insight into a more in-depth view of our own environment.
Location: Ludwig Museum

Installation Concerto for 3 pianos in virtual reality
23. 11. 2021

One of the projects of the educational department within the SEFO 2021 Triennial is the installation Concert for 3 Piano Wings, which visitors to the Museum of Art can see in the Besední Hall and not only in it. Thanks to the virtual tour, you can now walk through it from the comfort of your living room - just click HERE.

The installation reminds visitors of the place's familiar memory and at the same time artistically treats its very recent state, which no one but the staff of the institution could see. The newcomer can perceive the installation actively and passively, but only through its active knowledge will they experience the feelings of the revision of the offered reality.

Machine translation

Installation Concerto for 3 pianos in virtual reality

23. 11. 2021

One of the projects of the educational department within the SEFO 2021 Triennial is the installation Concert for 3 Piano Wings, which visitors to the Museum of Art can see in the Besední Hall and not only in it. Thanks to the virtual tour, you can now walk through it from the comfort of your living room - just click HERE.

The installation reminds visitors of the place's familiar memory and at the same time artistically treats its very recent state, which no one but the staff of the institution could see. The newcomer can perceive the installation actively and passively, but only through its active knowledge will they experience the feelings of the revision of the offered reality.

Machine translation

Saturday happening The boarding school ruled
22. 11. 2021

See how the Saturday happening was directed by the lecturers of the Museum of Art and Moimir Papalescu. The event, which was hosted by the UP Art Center, was captured on his camera by Zdeněk Sodoma.

Saturday happening The boarding school ruled

22. 11. 2021

See how the Saturday happening was directed by the lecturers of the Museum of Art and Moimir Papalescu. The event, which was hosted by the UP Art Center, was captured on his camera by Zdeněk Sodoma.

Art students have free admission to MUO all year round
16. 11. 2021

Not only on November 17, but throughout the year, art students have free admission to all exhibitions of the Museum of Art. All you have to do is prove your affiliation to the given field at the MUO box office. Other students then pay only half the entrance fee upon presentation of the ISIC card.

Machine translation

Art students have free admission to MUO all year round

16. 11. 2021

Not only on November 17, but throughout the year, art students have free admission to all exhibitions of the Museum of Art. All you have to do is prove your affiliation to the given field at the MUO box office. Other students then pay only half the entrance fee upon presentation of the ISIC card.

Machine translation

The SEFO 2021 triennial is heading to the ArtZóna
8. 11. 2021

The TV show ArtZóna will be dedicated to the Olomouc Triennial SEFO 2021. Its guests will be visual artist Pavel Büchler or chief curator of the entire project Barbora Kundračíková. You can watch it on Tuesday from 21.25 on ČT art.

The SEFO 2021 triennial is heading to the ArtZóna

8. 11. 2021

The TV show ArtZóna will be dedicated to the Olomouc Triennial SEFO 2021. Its guests will be visual artist Pavel Büchler or chief curator of the entire project Barbora Kundračíková. You can watch it on Tuesday from 21.25 on ČT art.

The first book from the Forum edition will be presented in Olomouc by its authors Erhard Busek and Emil Brix
8. 11. 2021

The SEFO project is based on multidisciplinary and international cooperation. An integral part of this objective directly related to the vision of SEFO is the Fórum publication series, which SEFO is deliberately developing in areas whose relationship with visual culture is more contextual, creative and conceptual, i.e., history, sociology, political science, religion studies and others. The primary leitmotif remains the idea of Central Europe – its social, cultural and political identity and historical transformation. The basic premise of SEFO – its openness – is naturally also reflected in the scheme of the publication series, which is focussed primarily on new works of a professional nature and a Central European origin. Nevertheless, some of the texts are exotic or of a reference nature, older or from the genre of belles-lettres. The selection of works is based on the museums own research plan, indirectly linked to specific projects, inquiries and current topics. 

The first work in the Fórum series is by Viennese authors Erhard Busek and Emil Brix entitled Mitteleuropa Revisited. Warum Europas Zukunft in Mitteleuropa entschieden wird (Central Europe Revisited. Why Europe’s Future Will Be Decided in the Region). The authors published the book Projekt Mitteleuropa (Project Central Europe) in 1986, and after 30 years, these two “promoters of the Central European idea” decided to return their attention to this region once again. Busek and Brix deliberately and carefully revise their visions, in the process discovering new reflections on Central Europe today and perhaps even its future. With a very erudite and yet accessible approach, the book discusses the fundamental issues of the changing geopolitical and economic realities of our continent. The essays provide diagnoses and prognoses of the region and shed light on many suspected but also unforeseen historical, social, cultural and political contexts.  There are even thoughts on relations between Central Europe and the Russian Federation and the European Union. In addition to the original German, the book has also been published thus far in English, Polish and Hungarian.

The first book from the Forum edition will be presented in Olomouc by its authors Erhard Busek and Emil Brix

8. 11. 2021

The SEFO project is based on multidisciplinary and international cooperation. An integral part of this objective directly related to the vision of SEFO is the Fórum publication series, which SEFO is deliberately developing in areas whose relationship with visual culture is more contextual, creative and conceptual, i.e., history, sociology, political science, religion studies and others. The primary leitmotif remains the idea of Central Europe – its social, cultural and political identity and historical transformation. The basic premise of SEFO – its openness – is naturally also reflected in the scheme of the publication series, which is focussed primarily on new works of a professional nature and a Central European origin. Nevertheless, some of the texts are exotic or of a reference nature, older or from the genre of belles-lettres. The selection of works is based on the museums own research plan, indirectly linked to specific projects, inquiries and current topics. 

The first work in the Fórum series is by Viennese authors Erhard Busek and Emil Brix entitled Mitteleuropa Revisited. Warum Europas Zukunft in Mitteleuropa entschieden wird (Central Europe Revisited. Why Europe’s Future Will Be Decided in the Region). The authors published the book Projekt Mitteleuropa (Project Central Europe) in 1986, and after 30 years, these two “promoters of the Central European idea” decided to return their attention to this region once again. Busek and Brix deliberately and carefully revise their visions, in the process discovering new reflections on Central Europe today and perhaps even its future. With a very erudite and yet accessible approach, the book discusses the fundamental issues of the changing geopolitical and economic realities of our continent. The essays provide diagnoses and prognoses of the region and shed light on many suspected but also unforeseen historical, social, cultural and political contexts.  There are even thoughts on relations between Central Europe and the Russian Federation and the European Union. In addition to the original German, the book has also been published thus far in English, Polish and Hungarian.

Czech Radio Vltava has prepared a program about Jan Pamuł
6. 11. 2021

On Saturday, November 6, at 9 a.m., Czech Radio Vltava will broadcast an hour-long program about the legend of European computer art, Jan Pamuł, and his exhibition in Olomouc. The guests of the show will be the curators of MUO Štěpánka Bieleszová, Ladislav Daněk and the mathematician Jan Andres.

Czech Radio Vltava has prepared a program about Jan Pamuł

6. 11. 2021

On Saturday, November 6, at 9 a.m., Czech Radio Vltava will broadcast an hour-long program about the legend of European computer art, Jan Pamuł, and his exhibition in Olomouc. The guests of the show will be the curators of MUO Štěpánka Bieleszová, Ladislav Daněk and the mathematician Jan Andres.

The SEFO 2021 triennial will welcome Pavel Büchler
1. 11. 2021

MUO and Ateliér intermédií UP are organizing a workshop on the authors book and a lecture by Pavel Büchler, a Czech visual artist living and working in Manchester. Büchler is one of the faces of the first year of the Olomouc triennial of contemporary Central European art.

The SEFO 2021 triennial will welcome Pavel Büchler

1. 11. 2021

MUO and Ateliér intermédií UP are organizing a workshop on the authors book and a lecture by Pavel Büchler, a Czech visual artist living and working in Manchester. Büchler is one of the faces of the first year of the Olomouc triennial of contemporary Central European art.

Celebrate October 28 with MUO. Admission to all exhibitions will be free
26. 10. 2021

The Museum of Art will celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia with free admission to all its exhibitions. Come and see the changes in the central exhibition Treinál SEFO 2021 - Universum or old masters in the permanent exhibition Century of Relativity.

Celebrate October 28 with MUO. Admission to all exhibitions will be free

26. 10. 2021

The Museum of Art will celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia with free admission to all its exhibitions. Come and see the changes in the central exhibition Treinál SEFO 2021 - Universum or old masters in the permanent exhibition Century of Relativity.

The Universum exhibition has undergone an autumn transformation
22. 10. 2021

The Universum exhibition has been supplemented by a special QR code, which will introduce you to the authors and their works, a new linocut by Karol Pomykała and paper tools by Gabor Koós. Come and see for yourself how the exhibition has changed over the last week.

"The QR codes that visitors find on the floor for individual works are intended to use videos to bring both the work and the thinking of contemporary Central European authors closer. All you have to do is point a smartphone with a QR code reader, ”says Tomáš Kasal, spokesman for the Museum of Art.

Visitors will have a unique opportunity to learn right in front of the work of art, how it is perceived or how it was created by its author. In individual videos, they will meet artists such as Gabor Koós, Štefan Oslej, Pavel Büchler, Zdeněk Trs, Jaroslav Varga and ÁdámAlbert. Barbora Kundračíková, the chief curator of the entire SEFO 2021 Triennial, will introduce them to other artists.

Machine translation

Heres a little taste of our videos:

The Universum exhibition has undergone an autumn transformation

22. 10. 2021

The Universum exhibition has been supplemented by a special QR code, which will introduce you to the authors and their works, a new linocut by Karol Pomykała and paper tools by Gabor Koós. Come and see for yourself how the exhibition has changed over the last week.

"The QR codes that visitors find on the floor for individual works are intended to use videos to bring both the work and the thinking of contemporary Central European authors closer. All you have to do is point a smartphone with a QR code reader, ”says Tomáš Kasal, spokesman for the Museum of Art.

Visitors will have a unique opportunity to learn right in front of the work of art, how it is perceived or how it was created by its author. In individual videos, they will meet artists such as Gabor Koós, Štefan Oslej, Pavel Büchler, Zdeněk Trs, Jaroslav Varga and ÁdámAlbert. Barbora Kundračíková, the chief curator of the entire SEFO 2021 Triennial, will introduce them to other artists.

Machine translation

Heres a little taste of our videos:

MUO will host colloquium Visuality - Science - Perception
20. 10. 2021

The third year of the interdisciplinary colloquium Visuality - Science - Perception will take place on Monday, November 1, at the Museum of Art. This time we will focus on the „mystery of birth“.